Demolition Dust Under Control with HKD Blue V-500GT at MathWorks Project

Demolition Dust Under Control with HKD Blue V-500GT at MathWorks Project

(Natick, Massachusetts)

JR Vinagro Corporation began demolishing the former Boston Scientific and current MathWorks building in Natick, Massachusetts earlier this August. 

JR Vinagro, one of New England’s premier demolition contractors, needed a safe, efficient, dust control equipment to properly wreck the building. To do so, they contacted HKD Blue for a V-500GT self-contained dust control cannon to complete the job.

“We are all very impressed with the unit” 

The V-500GT dust control unit is serving multiple purposes for JR Vinagro. Primarily, the atomized mist better controls the fugitive dust than standard “hose-in-hand” suppression. When excavators aren’t wrecking, they still project water all the way to the 5th story to wet the material to further prevent dust emissions as material falls to the ground.

Using The Remote Control To Minimize Fugitive Dust Emissions

Operators are very pleased with the remote control ability. They can sync the timing with the shear, aiming the mist at the building target while wrecking, and follow the shear as it moves the material towards a separate pile for sorting. When they expect significant portions of the building to collapse, creating massive quantities of dust, they increase the water flow up to 80 gallons per minute to increase the dust control equipment efficacy.

The project is expected to last another month before the space is ultimately paved into a parking lot for MathWorks employees.


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