Dust Control for Massachusetts Scrap Yards

Dust Control for Massachusetts Scrap Yards

In scrap yards and processing facilities across Massachusetts, heavy equipment operators are preparing for new silica enforcement standards issued by OSHA.

The corrosion and crushing action at scrap yards can cause dangerous and nuisance fugitive dust emissions that can contain silica dust and potentially harm workers or nearby communities.

Experts expect OSHA’s silica enforcement to increase across Boston area scrap metal processing sites this summer.

Sections of the new OSHA regulations require that “equipment designed to deliver water spray or mist for dust suppression,” be used on sites where “crushing machines, heavy equipment, and utility vehicles used to abrade or fracture” materials containing silica require industrial.

Let HKD Blue help you find the right industrial dust control solution for your scrap metal yard or crushing site.

Our V-500 GT model rolls onto your yard complete with a U.S. DOT certified galvanized trailer. Powered by a 60KW generator, our unit blasts water mist based on your on your site’s dynamic conditions.

Whether its hydraulic excavator fitted with a shear crushing I-Beams or a heavy front loader shoring up a pile of sheet metal, our machines can cover it.

Easily maneuver our units around your site on our trailers or hoist them with your crane. Remote control capabilities allow crew members to adjust throw and water particle size with the touch of a button.

With a maximum throw of 250 ft and the ability to provide mist coverage over 177,000 square feet, any task at your yard is covered by the V-500 GT or one of our other custom engineered dust control solutions.

Not sure if you need our machines? Check out our dust control products or request a custom Free Dust Control Compliance Strategy to help you get OSHA compliant for your next job.