(Coeymans, NY)
Carver Companies – the owners of the Port of Coeymans – can load, discharge and tow just about anything. Their safe and efficient operations, as well as a strong commitment to environmental stewardship have contributed to their continued success and growth in the maritime industry.
This particular facility handles project cargo, break-bulk, and dry bulk products. Dry bulk discharge operations are dusty by nature, and to better control fugitive dust emissions, the company purchased an HKD Blue V-500 S dust suppression unit to improve the air quality, efficiency and23 safety of the operation. HKD Blue V-500 S dust suppression unit to mitigate fugitive dust emissions during bulk material discharge.

Remote Controlled V-500 S creating a massive barrier of atomized mist on the South side of the dock.
The unit is mounted on a tower on the South side of the berth. As cranes discharge material into hoppers, dust can escape and migrate with the wind (typically coming from the North). With the Geyser atomizing nozzle, the elevated V-500 S projects a 300′ atomized mist barrier, preventing the dust emissions from bothering the nearby marina.
If the wind shifts directions and comes out of the south, the port utilizes a mobile, self contained V-500 GT equipped with a 91HP John Deere Diesel Powered Generator.

The V-500 GT mobile dust suppression unit prevents dust emissions from traveling off site on the northern portion of the berth.
Not sure if you need one of our machines? Check out our dust control products page or tell us about your site and receive a Free Dust Control Compliance Strategy.